In the Alabama District, our Discipleship Ministries include small groups, Sunday school, bible study, devotions, curriculum and over all building people. Please contact vnorris@amnag.org if you we can be a resource for you in this area of ministry.
Bible Engagement Project
What if there was a way to show people how to engage the Bible in a way that can actually transform them? That’s what Bible Engagement Project is designed to do. The Rich, inspiring material guides people into a deeper interaction and understanding of Scripture. The Bible has answers – Bible Engagement project helps people find them.
RightNow Media
We believe the mission of the church matters. And we’ve seen how God can change lives through video resources. That’s why we developed RightNow Media. Now, every person in your church can access over 20,000 Biblically based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more. WE hope to help you equip and disciple the people of your church.