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Michael D Sharp

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Michael D. Sharp

Secretary - Treasurer

Alabama School of Ministry

The Alabama School of Ministry (ALSOM) was created by the Alabama Network Presbytery of the Alabama Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God to serve as Alabama’s official Network/District School of Ministry (N/DSOM). ALSOM is an online interactive educational and training experience that includes online access to all course material including the nationally produced Global University Berean textbook in downloadable formats. Each course also includes archived best lecture videos, live interaction with our excellent instructors, and online exams providing immediate grades to the students.

ALSOM uses textbooks produced by Berean School of the Bible, the national institute level distance education school for men and women seeking ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God. The textbook is supplemented with the best in current, relevant collateral reading and viewing resources in each course. Instructors are chosen from among credentialed Assemblies of God ministers or skilled instructors with education and experience specific to each particular class. Our instructors all have bachelors degrees and in most cases additional study and/or advanced degrees relevant to the course.

ALSOM students receive the latest and best scholarship and training we can provide in every course. ALSOM is not accredited by regional accrediting agencies, but is a high-quality institute level educational experience offering far more than most institute level programs at a much lower cost to the student.  Laypersons desiring to learn more about the Bible and theology may take as many ALSOM courses as they wish without applying for ministerial credentials.


ALSOM Online enables us to offer many improvements and savings to ALSOM students, including:


  • convenient access to the course materials throughout the quarter …


  • One-stop online registration & payment of course fee (PDF of textbook included!). Then you have:

  • Immediate access to the Berean textbook as a PDF that can be read digitally or printed out (limit of one printed copy).

  • Access to excellent supplementary information, such as instructor’s notes, relevant articles, videos, podcasts on important course topics, and access to archived lectures for each course, all viewed at the student’s convenience, opening on the first day of the quarter,

  • When lessons are completed, immediate access to the study guide for the final exam,

  • Then, an online final exam that informs the student of the course grade immediately,

  • All of this is accessed on the page for the course for which you registered.

  • The total cost is $ 50.00 for the whole course, including all of the course resources mentioned above.


As of January 2023 ALSOM is changing to a quarterly schedule. The new schedule layout can be downloaded below.  ALSOM students may take any courses needed during each quarter.


Before Purchasing

As an ALSOM student you are purchasing courses with the understanding that there are no refunds or cancellations.  If you purchase the wrong course contact and we can offer credit for the proper course.  If you do not complete your course in the listed time you will need to purchase the course again.  Repurchasing a course in the same quarter does not reset your course or test.  If you are trying to retake the same course again in the same quarter please contact


For more information please contact the office of ALSOM Director and District Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Michael D. Sharp at 334-279-7172 ext 2, or


The Alabama Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God oversees churches in the state of Alabama and serves the General Council of the Assemblies of God, USA. They function as an advocate for local churches at the national level and helps the General Council lead the local churches.


(334) 279-7172


5919 Carmichael Road
Montgomery, AL 36117


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© 2022 Alabama Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God.

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